pam_auth(8) pam_auth(8) NAME pam_auth - Squid PAM authentication helper SYNOPSIS squid_pam_auth [-n "service name"] [-t TTL] [-1] DESCRIPTION This helper allows Squid to connect to a mostly any avail­ able PAM database to validate the user name and password of Basic HTTP authentication. -s service-name Specifies the PAM service name Squid uses, defaults to "squid" -t TTL Unless the -1 option is used, this specified for how long the connection to the PAM database should be kept open and reused for new logins. Defaults to 60 seconds. -1 Specifies "One shot" mode, where a new PAM connec­ tion will be opened for each new user. This is how PAM is normally used and may be required by some backend databases. The default is to reuse the PAM connection to maximize performance. (see -t above) CONFIGURATION The program needs a PAM service to be configured in /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d/ The default service name is "squid", and the program makes use of the 'auth' and 'account' management groups to ver­ ify the password and the accounts validity. For details on how to configure PAM services, see the PAM documentation for your system. This manual does not cover PAM configuration details. NOTES When used for authenticating to local UNIX shadow password databases the program must be running as root or else it won't have sufficient permissions to access the user pass­ word database. Such use of this program is not recom­ mended, but if you absolutely need to then make the pro­ gram setuid root chown root pam_auth chmod u+s pam_auth Please note that in such configurations it is also strongly recommended that the program is moved into a directory where normal users cannot access it, as this mode of operation will allow any local user to brute-force other users passwords. Also note the program has not been fully audited and the author cannot be held responsible for any security issues due to such installations. AUTHOR Squid pam_auth and this manual is written by Henrik Nord­ strom COPYRIGHT Squid pam_auth and this manual is Copyright 1999,2002 Hen­ rik Nordstrom QUESTIONS Questions on the usage of this program can be sent to the Squid Users mailing list. REPORTING BUGS Report bugs or bug-fixes to Squid Bugs or ideas for new improvements to Squid Develop­ ers SEE ALSO pam(8), PAM Systems Administrator Guide Squid PAM Auth 7 January 2002 pam_auth(8)