Basic syntax: %...field where ... is an optional field width. On numeric fields the output will be 0 padded if the field width starts with a 0. If the field width starts with a - then the output will be aligned right within the field.
Field names
Field name syntax keys:
{} modifier or argument. Also used to specify header names
> request (client)
< reply (server)
a address
A address name
h all headers
i ident
p port
r request line (no query)
t time
u user
l local address/port (where request was accepted)
- %>a
- Client source IP address
- %>A
- Client FQDN
- %>p
- Client source port
- %<a
- Server or peer IP address
- %<p
- Server or peer port number
- %<A
- Server IP address or peer name
- %la
- Local IP address where the request was accepted
- %lp
- Local port where the request was accepted
- %lA
- Local port name where the request was accepted
- %ts
- Date of request, seconds since epoch
- %{format}tl
- Date of request, strftime format (localtime)
- %{format}tg
- Date of request, strftime format (gmt)
- %tu
- Date of request, sub-second component
- %tr
- Time to serve the request, in milliseconds
- %{header}>h
- Request header
- %{header:element}>h
- Named request header field element (list headers)
- %{header:separator element}>h
- Named request header field element, using "separator" as field separator (it can be any non-alphanumeric single character)
- %>h
- All request header
- %{header}<h
- Request headers, as for <..h above
- %un
- Authenticated user name or dash
- %ur
- Authenticated user realm or dash
- %us
- Authenticated user scheme or dash
- %ui
- Ident user name
- %Hs
- HTTP status code (200, 404, 407, etc)
- %Ht
- HTTP status text (Not found, etc)
- %Ss
- Squid status code (TCP_HIT, TCP_MISS etc)
- %Se
- Squid error code (ERR_DENIED, ERR_...)
- %Sh
- Squid hierarchy code (FIRST_UP_PARENT, etc)
- %mt
- MIME type of the request
- %rm
- Request method
- %ru
- Request URL, without the query string
- %rq
- Request query string, including ?
- %rp
- Request protocol (i.e. HTTP/1.1)
- %ps
- Peer selection status (DIRECT, PARENT, CD_PARENT_HIT, etc. including
the TIMEDOUT_ variant)
- %>sl
- Size of request line
- %>sh
- Size of request headers, including request line
- %>sH
- Size of request headers, excluding request line
- %>sb
- Size of request body, raw received bytes
- %>sB
- Size of request body, excluding transfer encoding
- %>st
- Total size of request
- %<sl
- Size of reply status line
- %<sh
- Size of reply headers, including status line
- %<sH
- Size of reply headers, excluding status line
- %<sb
- Size of reply body, raw transmitted bytes
- %<sB
- Size of reply body, excluding transfer encoding
- %<st
- Total size of reply
- %%
- A literal %
$Id: logformat.html,v 1.14 2003/06/11 02:02:57 hno Exp $