--------------------- PatchSet 3037 Date: 2001/09/16 09:51:03 Author: serassio Branch: nt-2_3 Tag: (none) Log: Changed 'Perl Preprocessing' project name to 'Perl_Preprocessing Members: win/Perl Preprocessing.dsp:> win/Perl Preprocessing.mak:> win/Perl_Preprocessing.dsp:1.1-> win/Perl_Preprocessing.mak:1.1-> win/win.dsw:> win/squidnt/squidnt.mak:> --- squid/win/Perl Preprocessing.dsp Wed Feb 14 00:55:15 2007 +++ /dev/null Wed Feb 14 00:55:00 2007 @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Perl Preprocessing" - Package Owner=<4> -# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 -# ** DO NOT EDIT ** - -# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Generic Project" 0x010a - -CFG=Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug -!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl Preprocessing.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") -!MESSAGE "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -MTL=midl.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "." -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "." -# PROP Target_Dir "" - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Perl_Preprocessing___Win32_Debug" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Perl_Preprocessing___Win32_Debug" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 0 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir "." -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "." -# PROP Target_Dir "" - -!ENDIF - -# Begin Target - -# Name "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" -# Name "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=..\src\enums.h - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 -# Begin Custom Build -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\enums.h - -"$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - perl $(InputDir)\mk-string-arrays.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c - -# End Custom Build - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 -# Begin Custom Build -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\enums.h - -"$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - perl $(InputDir)\mk-string-arrays.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c - -# End Custom Build - -!ENDIF - -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=..\src\globals.h - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 -# Begin Custom Build -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\globals.h - -"$(InputDir)\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - perl $(InputDir)\mk-globals-c.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\globals.c - -# End Custom Build - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 -# Begin Custom Build -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\globals.h - -"$(InputDir)\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - perl $(InputDir)\mk-globals-c.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\globals.c - -# End Custom Build - -!ENDIF - -# End Source File -# End Target -# End Project --- squid/win/Perl Preprocessing.mak Wed Feb 14 00:55:15 2007 +++ /dev/null Wed Feb 14 00:55:00 2007 @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on Perl Preprocessing.dsp -!IF "$(CFG)" == "" -CFG=Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug -!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug. -!ENDIF - -!IF "$(CFG)" != "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" != "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified. -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") -!MESSAGE "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") -!MESSAGE -!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified. -!ENDIF - -!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" -NULL= -!ELSE -NULL=nul -!ENDIF - -OUTDIR=.\. -INTDIR=.\. - -ALL : "\work\squidnt23\src\string_arrays.c" "\work\squidnt23\src\globals.c" - - -CLEAN : - -@erase - -@erase "\work\squidnt23\src\globals.c" - -@erase "\work\squidnt23\src\string_arrays.c" - -"$(OUTDIR)" : - if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)" - -MTL=midl.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -!ENDIF - -MTL_PROJ= - -!IF "$(NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS)" != "1" -!IF EXISTS("Perl Preprocessing.dep") -!INCLUDE "Perl Preprocessing.dep" -!ELSE -!MESSAGE Warning: cannot find "Perl Preprocessing.dep" -!ENDIF -!ENDIF - - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" || "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" -SOURCE=..\src\enums.h - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\enums.h - -"..\src\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - <$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c -<< - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\enums.h - -"..\src\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - <$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c -<< - - -!ENDIF - -SOURCE=..\src\globals.h - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" - -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\globals.h - -"..\src\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - <$(InputDir)\globals.c -<< - - -!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" - -InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src -InputPath=..\src\globals.h - -"..\src\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" - <$(InputDir)\globals.c -<< - - -!ENDIF - - -!ENDIF - --- /dev/null Wed Feb 14 00:55:00 2007 +++ squid/win/Perl_Preprocessing.dsp Wed Feb 14 00:55:15 2007 @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Perl_Preprocessing" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Generic Project" 0x010a + +CFG=Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl_Preprocessing.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") +!MESSAGE "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +MTL=midl.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "." +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "." +# PROP Target_Dir "" + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Perl_Preprocessing___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Perl_Preprocessing___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "." +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "." +# PROP Target_Dir "" + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" +# Name "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\src\enums.h + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 +# Begin Custom Build +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\enums.h + +"$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + perl $(InputDir)\mk-string-arrays.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c + +# End Custom Build + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 +# Begin Custom Build +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\enums.h + +"$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + perl $(InputDir)\mk-string-arrays.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c + +# End Custom Build + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\src\globals.h + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 +# Begin Custom Build +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\globals.h + +"$(InputDir)\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + perl $(InputDir)\mk-globals-c.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\globals.c + +# End Custom Build + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 +# Begin Custom Build +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\globals.h + +"$(InputDir)\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + perl $(InputDir)\mk-globals-c.pl <$(InputPath) >$(InputDir)\globals.c + +# End Custom Build + +!ENDIF + +# End Source File +# End Target +# End Project --- /dev/null Wed Feb 14 00:55:00 2007 +++ squid/win/Perl_Preprocessing.mak Wed Feb 14 00:55:15 2007 @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Based on Perl_Preprocessing.dsp +!IF "$(CFG)" == "" +CFG=Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug. +!ENDIF + +!IF "$(CFG)" != "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" != "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified. +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") +!MESSAGE "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Generic Project") +!MESSAGE +!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified. +!ENDIF + +!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" +NULL= +!ELSE +NULL=nul +!ENDIF + +OUTDIR=.\. +INTDIR=.\. + +ALL : "\work\squidnt23\src\string_arrays.c" "\work\squidnt23\src\globals.c" + + +CLEAN : + -@erase + -@erase "\work\squidnt23\src\globals.c" + -@erase "\work\squidnt23\src\string_arrays.c" + +"$(OUTDIR)" : + if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)" + +MTL=midl.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +!ENDIF + +MTL_PROJ= + +!IF "$(NO_EXTERNAL_DEPS)" != "1" +!IF EXISTS("Perl_Preprocessing.dep") +!INCLUDE "Perl_Preprocessing.dep" +!ELSE +!MESSAGE Warning: cannot find "Perl_Preprocessing.dep" +!ENDIF +!ENDIF + + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" || "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" +SOURCE=..\src\enums.h + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\enums.h + +"..\src\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + <$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c +<< + + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\enums.h + +"..\src\string_arrays.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + <$(InputDir)\string_arrays.c +<< + + +!ENDIF + +SOURCE=..\src\globals.h + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\globals.h + +"..\src\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + <$(InputDir)\globals.c +<< + + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + +InputDir=\work\squidnt23\src +InputPath=..\src\globals.h + +"..\src\globals.c" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)" + <$(InputDir)\globals.c +<< + + +!ENDIF + + +!ENDIF + Index: squid/win/win.dsw =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/squid-sf//squid/win/Attic/win.dsw,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -u -r1.1.2.4 -r1.1.2.5 --- squid/win/win.dsw 15 Jul 2001 08:49:37 -0000 +++ squid/win/win.dsw 16 Sep 2001 09:51:03 -0000 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ############################################################################### -Project: "Perl Preprocessing"=".\Perl Preprocessing.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> +Project: "Perl_Preprocessing"=".\Perl_Preprocessing.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> Package=<5> {{{ @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Project_Dep_Name LDAP_auth End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency - Project_Dep_Name Perl Preprocessing + Project_Dep_Name Perl_Preprocessing End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency Project_Dep_Name squid_conf Index: squid/win/squidnt/squidnt.mak =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/squid-sf//squid/win/squidnt/Attic/squidnt.mak,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -u -r1.1.2.5 -r1.1.2.6 --- squid/win/squidnt/squidnt.mak 15 Jul 2001 08:49:38 -0000 +++ squid/win/squidnt/squidnt.mak 16 Sep 2001 09:51:03 -0000 @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ !ELSE -ALL : "libsnmp - Win32 Release" "squid_conf - Win32 Release" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Release" "dnsserver - Win32 Release" "cachemgr - Win32 Release" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Release" "NT_auth - Win32 Release" "miscutil - Win32 Release" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" +ALL : "libsnmp - Win32 Release" "squid_conf - Win32 Release" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Release" "dnsserver - Win32 Release" "cachemgr - Win32 Release" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Release" "NT_auth - Win32 Release" "miscutil - Win32 Release" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" !ENDIF !IF "$(RECURSE)" == "1" -CLEAN :"miscutil - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "NT_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "NCSA_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "cachemgr - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "dnsserver - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "LDAP_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "squid_conf - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "libsnmp - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" +CLEAN :"miscutil - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "NT_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "NCSA_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "cachemgr - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "dnsserver - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "LDAP_auth - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "squid_conf - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" "libsnmp - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" !ELSE CLEAN : !ENDIF @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ OutDir=.\Release # End Custom Macros -$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP) : "libsnmp - Win32 Release" "squid_conf - Win32 Release" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Release" "dnsserver - Win32 Release" "cachemgr - Win32 Release" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Release" "NT_auth - Win32 Release" "miscutil - Win32 Release" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" +$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP) : "libsnmp - Win32 Release" "squid_conf - Win32 Release" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Release" "dnsserver - Win32 Release" "cachemgr - Win32 Release" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Release" "NT_auth - Win32 Release" "miscutil - Win32 Release" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" ..\update.bat release e:\squid echo Helper for Post-build step > "$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP)" @@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ !ELSE -ALL : "libsnmp - Win32 Debug" "squid_conf - Win32 Debug" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Debug" "dnsserver - Win32 Debug" "cachemgr - Win32 Debug" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Debug" "NT_auth - Win32 Debug" "miscutil - Win32 Debug" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" +ALL : "libsnmp - Win32 Debug" "squid_conf - Win32 Debug" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Debug" "dnsserver - Win32 Debug" "cachemgr - Win32 Debug" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Debug" "NT_auth - Win32 Debug" "miscutil - Win32 Debug" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" !ENDIF !IF "$(RECURSE)" == "1" -CLEAN :"miscutil - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "NT_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "NCSA_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "cachemgr - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "dnsserver - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "LDAP_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "squid_conf - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "libsnmp - Win32 DebugCLEAN" +CLEAN :"miscutil - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "NT_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "NCSA_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "cachemgr - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "dnsserver - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "LDAP_auth - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "squid_conf - Win32 DebugCLEAN" "libsnmp - Win32 DebugCLEAN" !ELSE CLEAN : !ENDIF @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ OutDir=.\Debug # End Custom Macros -$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP) : "libsnmp - Win32 Debug" "squid_conf - Win32 Debug" "Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Debug" "dnsserver - Win32 Debug" "cachemgr - Win32 Debug" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Debug" "NT_auth - Win32 Debug" "miscutil - Win32 Debug" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" +$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP) : "libsnmp - Win32 Debug" "squid_conf - Win32 Debug" "Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" "LDAP_auth - Win32 Debug" "dnsserver - Win32 Debug" "cachemgr - Win32 Debug" "NCSA_auth - Win32 Debug" "NT_auth - Win32 Debug" "miscutil - Win32 Debug" "$(OUTDIR)\squid.exe" ..\update.bat debug e:\squid echo Helper for Post-build step > "$(DS_POSTBUILD_DEP)" @@ -1394,26 +1394,26 @@ !IF "$(CFG)" == "squidnt - Win32 Release" -"Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" : +"Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" : cd "\work\nt-2.3\win" - $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" + $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" cd ".\squidnt" -"Perl Preprocessing - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" : +"Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 ReleaseCLEAN" : cd "\work\nt-2.3\win" - $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Release" RECURSE=1 CLEAN + $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Release" RECURSE=1 CLEAN cd ".\squidnt" !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "squidnt - Win32 Debug" -"Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" : +"Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" : cd "\work\nt-2.3\win" - $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" + $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" cd ".\squidnt" -"Perl Preprocessing - Win32 DebugCLEAN" : +"Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 DebugCLEAN" : cd "\work\nt-2.3\win" - $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" RECURSE=1 CLEAN + $(MAKE) /$(MAKEFLAGS) /F ".\Perl_Preprocessing.mak" CFG="Perl_Preprocessing - Win32 Debug" RECURSE=1 CLEAN cd ".\squidnt" !ENDIF