Squid Development Projects

Welcome to devel.squid-cache.org (aka squid.sourceforge.net).

The purpose of this site is to boost and open up Squid development for features not yet ready to be merged into the main Squid source tree. Anyone interested in developing some feature in Squid are welcome to host their development here for sharing with other Squid developers.

If you are interested in developing a feature for Squid, please write an description of what you are interested in doing and send this to squid-dev@squid-cache.org, and you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

Please note that everything found here unless otherwise announced is development branches with no guarantee of functionality or performance. Almost all the branches is very unstable as they in most cases are not yet finished and also have received very little testing.

If your are looking for a STABLE Squid version, or want to test the bleeding edge version of Squid then please look at the main Squid site instead. The development version found there has most finished projects found here in an integrated and somewhat tested form suitable for testing.

If you want to take active part in the development of a Squid feature while it is being actively developed or have been told by the developers than one of these branches is suitable for you then this site is for you and you may continue.

Table of contents

Links to other sites of interest to developers

Other known Squid works and patches not (yet) hosted here

Other Squid related works

Other proxy servers or similar programs

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